
50 tips for getting organized on a budget - this is the ultimate list. You'll want to pin this one and save it for later!

I'm thrilled for January - National Organization Month! I'm going to be doing a lot of organizing in both my home and craft studio, but here's the deal . . . I can't spend a ton of money. I don't want to break the bank getting everything organized, so I've been gathering budget tips that I know are going to come in handy. I want to share what I've found, and maybe these will help you too. If you need the ultimate guide for getting organized on a budget, this is it! These 50 tips will come in handy for many rooms in your home. Check out this list and I can't wait to hear which are your favorites!


genius pineapple vase by Jenn of Scout blog! | a palm springs floral tablesacpe

Before I get started, let me just apologize for not having recapped my trip to Palm Springs for Meet Make Do before now. I realize that we’re about three weeks past due, but fret not! I’m rounding up all of the pretty photos and details for you to see in the next few days, but I wanted to show you the impromptu styled shoot that Jenn of Scout blog and I collaborated on the first day we were there.


A collection of 6 fun And festive patriotic desserts for your summer get togthers

Just in case you are like me and wait until the last minute to plan the menu for your 4th of July get-together, I thought I’d show you a few desserts I’ve pinned on Pinterest. They all look super yummy and highly patriotic. Of course, this only applies if you are in the U.S.A. If you are Canadian and celebrating a belated Canada Day, then just skip the blue parts of the foods.


How to clean an ice maker and water dispenser on a refrigerator

When you buy your first home or move into your first apartment, someone should hand you a huge book of every little thing you should maintain and clean on a regular basis. I don’t know why it never occurred to me, but for some odd reason I never realized that you should clean an ice maker. Like never. Of all the 99 billion things to clean and maintain in a home, this one has never even blipped once on my radar, until now. I know, it’s gross. Really gross. But, if I’ve overlooked it, I’m betting at least one other person has overlooked it, too, so I thought I’d share how to clean an ice maker on a refrigerator.


Make your own fabric softener for fresh-smelling, chemical-free laundry for just pennies!

Well, I thought it was about time to do a follow-up post on the dryer sheet alternative post that I did a little while ago. A lot of you really loved that little tip for getting rid of static cling without using those store bought dryer sheets that can sometimes be really chemical-y and not so good for you.


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